For sending this request, you have to be authorized. See the Authorization page for more details.
Use this request to list all your active webhook configurations.
curl -X GET<team_id>/webhooks \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'x-api-key: <api_key>' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
Parameter | Required | Description |
| Yes | Team ID for which you want to list the webhooks. See Get all organizations and teams to figure out the Team ID. |
| Yes | See Authorization |
| Yes | See Authorization |
Response example
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "first": { "href": "" }, "last": { "href": "" } }, "_embedded": { "webhooks": [ { "id": "12", "name": "Test webhook", "description": "Some description", "hooks": [ { "type": "event_created_92bd9a53281981160c955e339304b3e5", "method": "POST", "endpoint": "", "origin": { "method": "POST", "endpoint": "", "body": "{\"operationName\":\"EventCreatedShort\",\"variables\":{\"id\":\"%EVENT_ID%\"},\"query\":\"query EventCreatedShort($id: ID!) {\\n event(id: $id) {\\n title\\n }\\n}\\n\"}" } }, { "type": "event_updated_2104384af7e8434f0058ed57163b6f33", "method": "POST", "endpoint": "", "origin": { "method": "POST", "endpoint": "", "body": "{\"operationName\":\"EventUpdatedShort\",\"variables\":{\"id\":\"%EVENT_ID%\"},\"query\":\"query EventUpdatedShort($id: ID!) {\\n event(id: $id) {\\n title\\n }\\n}\\n\"}" } } ], "authentication": { "grant_type": "client_credentials", "endpoint": "", "credentials": { "client_id": "doo", "client_secret": "super-strong-secret" }, "header_format": "Authorization", "header_value_format": "Bearer %ACCESS_TOKEN%" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "<team_id>/webhooks" } } } ] }, "page_count": 1, "page_size": 7, "total_items": 1, "page": 1 }