Info |
For sending this request, you have to be authorized. See the Authorization page for more details. |
If you want to start using webhooks with your external system and already have some resources in your doo account, you may need to initialize your system with all these existing resources.
Parameter | Required | Description |
| Yes | The resource you want to initialize. See Supported resources and webhook types for available resource names. |
| Yes | See Authorization |
| Yes | See Authorization |
| Yes, only for the following resources:
| |
| Yes, only for the following resources:
| |
| No | Use it if you want to initialize resources updated after a particular date and time. Format: Timezone: CET |
| No | Use it if you want to initialize resources updated before a particular date and time. Format: Timezone: CET |
| No | Use it if you want to initialize only particular webhook types. If not specified, all webhook types for the specified resource will be initialized. See Supported resources and webhook types for available webhook types for the selected resource. |
| No | In case you have multiple webhook configurations, you can specify the one for which you want to make the initialization. If not specified, all the existing webhook configurations will be initialized. See List webhook configurations to get the Webhook Configuration ID. |
| No | Specifies the maximum number of requests per minute that we send for the webhook initialization. You can use this parameter to reduce the load to your system if required. Default value: 50100 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 50100 |
Response example
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "response_status": 200, "developer_message": "Success", "user_message": "Success", "items_processed": <items_processed_count>, "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://rest.doo.net/v1/webhooks/init/<resource_name>" } } } |